Learn Full Songs Today!

Get access to step-by-step piano lessons for over 1,000 famous songs. Your piano journey starts now!

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Thousands of hit songs!

With HDpiano+, the greatest songs of all time are at your fingertips.

HDpiano+ members succeed

It's why millions of pianists all over the world learn their favorite songs with us!

Perfect for any skill level. I went from not knowing the names of the keys, to playing advanced pieces with ease!
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Quality product! This is the easiest way to have fun learning how to play the piano.
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I have been looking for this type of teaching since I was a kid!
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My son loves your site and spends hours excitedly learning with your tutorials!
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Definitely recommended. I joined quite some time ago and I’m very happy about it!
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You have revitalized my love for piano and I’m super thrilled to be a subscriber.
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Perfect experience. HDpiano really sparked and furthered my interest in piano.
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Awesome work! 15 minutes to learn a song that I never knew I wanted to play!
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AMAZING!! Love it! It’s very difficult to find something online that’s so professional yet enjoyable.
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It’s not often I rave about a website, but I’m raving about HDpiano.com right now!
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I finally mastered a full song! HDpiano gave me a huge bubble of confidence.
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HDpiano has revitalized my passion for music and playing my piano!
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I used to use one of your competitors, but HDpiano has now risen to be my “go to” site for learning piano!
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HDpiano is excellent. Their lessons are easy to follow and anyone can learn to play!
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I have never played piano before. I feel blessed to have someone like you that I can learn from!
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@HDpiano Awesome website!
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Superb. A great group of people constantly putting out fresh, high-quality content!
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Excellent 4.9/5 rating

No experience required

We break each song down, section by section. With color coded blocks guiding your fingers to the right keys, learning your favorite songs couldn’t be easier!

World-class teachers

Our instructors make learning fun! It’s why millions of piano learners around the world watch our videos every day!

Learn your way

Pause it, loop it, slow it down! Custom video features put you in control of your practice!

The BEST value!

HDpiano+ is cheaper than traditional piano lessons!

HDpiano Traditional
Step by Step Instruction check check
Ad Free check check
Roster of Teachers check
Learn Anytime check
Pause, Rewind & Slow check
1,500+ Hit Songs check
Advanced Search check
Personalized Library check
Supportive Community check
HUGE Savings! $15/mo or $97/yr $100+/mo